With Sheep Con out the way we caught up with Magic Sheep's lexicon chef, Neal Steampunkson, to get some tips on how to wield the expanded language of AR like a cyberpunk poet high on edam. Neal said "As we're still trying to work out what I do at Magic Sheep I get lots of time to dream up names for stuff. My personal favorite is Magicverse. Go on say it. Maaagicveerrrse. It's strangely arousing isn't it?" "Even though you may feel a little ridiculous saying this stuff initially just stick with it. Eventually you'll feel like you're part of a secret club that the muggles will never understand". Experienced spatial computing conversationalist, Sophie Landsoap, said "When I put on my lightwear and fire up my lightpack to enter the Magicverse I feel like I'm mastering spatial computing like an eye-brain-light-field architect". "I'm just getting started with MagicalScript on LoominOS. Hopefully i'll soon be talking about human centered AI lifestream social perception sensory field computing". "I have no idea what I just said and I'm fucking loving it!"